Is The Federal Reserve Destroying Us Or Saving Us?

Most Americans have only a very limited understanding of how the Federal Reserve affects every aspect of our lives.  Neither the Chairman of the Federal Reserve nor the twelve members of the Board of Governors are elected by the American public.  The Federal Reserve operates independently in secret and has the power to make financial […]

Banks Are A Financial Disaster For Both Shareholders And Depositors

In days gone by, shareholders of large banks viewed their investments as a source of income via dividends and potential capital gains via share appreciation.  In days gone by, depositors viewed banks as the safest place to harbor their hard earned dollars while earning a respectable amount of interest income. That was then, this is […]

Billon Dollar Bank Failure Caused By “Massive Bank Fraud” At Bank of the Commonwealth

Four years after the start of the banking crisis, federal investigators are proving what many Americans have long suspected – the root cause of many banking failures was due to fraud. The Office of the Special Inspector General for The Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP) announced last week that a massive $41 million bank fraud […]

Fed Says Banks Can Withstand Financial Hurricane – Savers, Borrowers and Shareholders Not So Lucky

Stress tests of the largest banks in the country against a financial hurricane of “extremely adverse” economic conditions shows that almost all of the largest banks in the country would be able to maintain adequate capital levels.  The Federal Reserve said that 18 of the 19 banks stress tested would survive even if stock prices […]

U.S. Treasury Says Financial Crisis Is Over But The Next One May Be Right In Front Of Us

According to the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the worst of the financial crisis is now behind us and the TARP bank bailout program has generated positive returns. In an article entitled “The U.S. Economy in Charts”, the Treasury Department notes that the economy is gradually getting stronger as evidenced by 10 straight quarters of […]

Interest Rates At All Time Lows And Home Prices At Ten Year Lows – Why Are Home Sales The Worst Ever?

In Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s world, all he had to do was lower interest rates enough and housing prices would magically re-inflate.  Wrong!  Mortgage rates are at all time lows, home prices are at 2002 levels and owning a home is just as cheap as renting, yet the housing market remains mired in a […]

Banking News – Daily Banking Update

Welcome to Banking Update, a roundup of articles and news from around the internet.  The Federal Reserve’s political moves threaten its independence, loan modification companies prey on vulnerable homeowners, the big banks refuse to disclose their risk on derivatives, consumers want to be bailed out for foolish financial decisions, loss of confidence in governments grow […]

Banking News – Daily Banking Update

Welcome to Banking Update, a roundup of articles and news from around the Internet.  Banks continue to be sued for selling defective mortgages, the Fed says a housing recovery is essential for economic recovery, Americans still believe owning a home is part of the “American dream”, banks are still engaged in risky behavior, savings rates […]

Bank Of America Derivatives Timebomb Shows System Is Corrupt To The Core

The Federal Reserve recently allowed Bank of America to move its massive derivative positions from the bank holding company to its banking subsidiary which is an FDIC insured depository institution.  By allowing this transfer, the Federal Reserve has allowed Bank of America to shift the risk of loss on speculative derivative contracts from the non-bank […]

High Commission Mortgages Drive Lending Abuses

The Federal Reserve recently imposed an $85 million fine on Wells Fargo related to subprime loan origination. Fines and legal actions against banks by regulators have become routine, but the Wells Fargo case is unique for several reasons. The Federal Reserve noted that this was the first time that regulators have imposed a penalty for […]