Consumer Scams Involving Counterfeit Cashier’s Checks Continue

December 22, 2010 – FDIC Issues Alerts On Counterfeit Cashier’s Checks The reason why counterfeit official checks continue to appear is because they produce huge profits for criminals.  An unwary consumer, trained to believe that a cashier’s check is equivalent to cash, can be an easy mark for con men and criminals. The increasing number […]

Tougher Standards By Banks For Mortgage Approval Requires Credit Education

November 18, 2010 – Several years ago, the mortgage underwriting standards of banks were so liberal that nearly anyone could get an approval, regardless of income levels or credit scores.  The subsequent real estate crash and huge number of mortgage defaults since those easy lending days has resulted in much tougher underwriting standards. Many borrowers […]

Is Quantitative Easing A Bank Bailout? – What You Don’t Know Will Hurt You

QE (quantitative easing) has arrived and will ultimately impact the financial well being of all Americans. Is it possible that something so profoundly disrupting to the financial world would go unnoticed by mainstream America?  Is John Q Public indifferent or oblivious to the Fed implementing a reckless monetary policy previously reserved for banana republics? In […]

Identity Thieves Impersonate FDIC To Steal Money

September 9, 2010 – As if the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) didn’t have enough issues to contend with, it now appears than criminals are impersonating the FDIC in an attempt to steal money or obtain sensitive financial information from consumers. The FDIC reports that it has received numerous reports of scam artists calling consumers and […]